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Communities and Stakeholder Relations

Iluka seeks to establish and maintain respectful relationships with communities for mutual benefit and share the value its business creates. 

We value the relationships we have with the communities associated with our operations and activities and work in accordance with Iluka’s Social Performance Standard and related procedures, which provide a framework for mandatory social performance requirements. Annual assessments and internal reviews are conducted to ensure compliance against this framework and to pursue improvements in Iluka’s social performance practices.  

Potential impacts on communities and social risks to the business are managed using an evidence-based approach to understand community needs and expectations. As part of an integrated project engagement process, we complete social baseline studies, socio-economic and environmental impact assessments and collect community sentiment data.  

Iluka’s community and stakeholder engagement is consistent across the company’s operating areas, adapting to the specific circumstances of each region. Engagement programs are implemented to support project development and formal government approvals processes.  

More information and feedback mechanisms for communities and stakeholders can be found at Community Engagement 

Iluka’s success is linked to our relationships with neighbours and stakeholders, whose priorities and expectations of us vary widely. We seek to engage early in open, inclusive and meaningful communication and incorporate stakeholder views into our decision-making processes. Through effective stakeholder engagement, we aim to understand and meet community and stakeholder expectations.

Iluka engages with a diverse range of stakeholders. We seek to adapt our engagement with stakeholders based on their needs and our business requirements. We have a team of professionals across our projects and operations who are responsible for managing stakeholder engagement. Support and subject matter expertise is provided by our Communities team. In addition to our engagement activities, stakeholders can contact us via community feedback processes. 
Our stakeholders and their interests are identified, analysed and mapped to inform impact and risk assessments and social management plans. All sites and projects are required to establish a process to ensure affected stakeholders receive relevant up-to-date information, are provided with opportunities to express their views on decisions that may affect them, and that these views are considered in decision-making processes.

All Iluka sites have a locally- appropriate grievance mechanism, as described in Iluka’s Grievance Management Procedure, which aligns to the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights.  

Stakeholders should feel comfortable about contacting us to report any issues or concerns. All complaints are taken seriously and investigated in accordance with Iluka’s Grievance Management Procedure. All grievances of a medium to high-level classification are reported through to the Board as part of our monthly Sustainability Performance Report. 

If you would like to provide feedback or register a grievance, please contact [email protected]

Recognising and respecting people’s human rights and cultural heritage are embedded in the company’s values, policies and standards. 

Iluka appreciates that it conducts its business on the traditional lands of Indigenous peoples across Australia. As temporary stewards of these lands, we understand the importance of building and maintaining respectful and sustainable relationships with the Indigenous communities local to our operations.  

We achieve this by acting with integrity and engaging collaboratively with Indigenous peoples and communities, demonstrating respect for Indigenous cultures and taking accountability to ensure we provide a culturally safe and supportive working environment. 

Iluka’s Aboriginal Cultural Awareness program aims to develop the capability of employees to build and maintain strong, effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. These relationships extend from Board level through to day-to-day relationships at Iluka’s operational sites. In consultation with Traditional Owners, Cultural Heritage Management Plans are developed and implemented where sites of cultural heritage significance are identified.  

Currently Iluka has two formal agreements in place with Traditional Owners of the land on which it operates. In South Australia, Iluka’s Native Title Mining Agreement with the Far West Coast (FWC) Native Title holders has been in place since 2007 for the Jacinth-Ambrosia operation. In Western Australia, Iluka maintains a voluntary agreement with the Yued People of the Noongar Nation, who are the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the company’s Cataby operations are conducted.  

The Iluka Cultural Leave Policy supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to uphold any community or obligations they may have outside the workplace.  

Read more on Iluka’s work with Traditional Owners in the Sustainability Data Book and in Case Studies and Insights.  

Indigenous Peoples Policy 

Iluka is committed to respecting human rights within its business and supply chain. Guided by the Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy, Iluka’s approach is to work to align its business activities and practices with the UNGPs.  

Iluka seeks to identify potential human rights issues associated with the company’s activities including instances of modern slavery in Iluka’s supply chain. Human rights due diligence is embedded in procurement processes, including new supplier selection and screening. Employees complete mandatory human rights and modern slavery training to ensure awareness of human rights implications for the business. 

Read about Iluka’s progress on managing modern slavery risks in the annual Modern Slavery Statement. 

Human Rights Policy 

Direct and indirect economic benefits are created in the communities in which Iluka operates. This includes employment and local procurement opportunities; investment in community infrastructure and services; taxes and payments to governments; payments to landowners and community groups; and sponsorships and partnerships.  

Contractors and suppliers form an integral part of Iluka’s value chain. Australian operations collectively engage more than 2,000 suppliers, of which approximately 95% are located within Australia.  

Guided by the Iluka Procurement Policy and supporting processes, Iluka aims to engage with businesses local to operations and with Indigenous enterprises where possible.  

To ensure responsible sourcing of goods and services, Iluka systematically performs due diligence on all existing and new suppliers through an independent global risk screening and monitoring tool.

Iluka expects all suppliers to meet or exceed the minimum standards outlined in its Supplier Code of Conduct. The Code, in addition to several Iluka policies, is referenced as part of the vendor onboarding process and corporate citizen obligations are referenced in Iluka’s procurement contracts. 

Iluka supports the transparent disclosure of taxes, royalties and fees to government, and publicly reports contributions annually in the Iluka Tax Transparency Report 

Read more about Iluka’s economic contributions in the Sustainability Data Book. 

Supplier Code of Conduct 

Procurement Policy